Do you know that your smell is one of the greatest factors that affect your overall attractiveness?
Do you know that some research has shown that a man's smell can be more influencing than his looks and wealth? (see Do women care about looks)
In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that the subconscious mind keeps forming associations between unrelated things all the time. If a person's smell was pleasant then those who got exposed to his smell might actually believe that they are experiencing pleasant feelings just because of his presence.
Smells were found to affect people's emotions more than looks, sounds and even touches! When people's emotions change in the presence of someone they always assume that their moods changed because of the presence of that person and that's one reason why your smell affects your overall attractiveness.
Here are few studies along with their findings that explain how body smell affects the attractiveness of a person:
Some researchers claimed that a smell is far more powerful than looks and sounds and thus making it on top of the list of the things that attracts potential mates.
Based on these findings it might not be a good idea to block your natural smell which can communicate a lot about you to your potential partner.
Some manufactured scents can certainly increase the attractiveness of a person but if it happened by coincidence that your natural smell was more attractive to your potential partner than those scents then you will be lowering your chance of attracting him.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor a boring online encyclopedia but rather a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology and presented in a simple way that you can understand and apply. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.The book How to make someone fall in love with you was released by; the book will dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with you.
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