Do people get attracted to the ones who are as physically attractive as them?
There is a very popular study that says that people tend to get attracted to those who are as attractive as them.
Before i can comment on this study or say whether it makes any sense or not i have first to introduce you to certain facts about the psychology of attraction.
Likes do attract but people don't have to end up with those who are as physically attractive as them. The study mentioned in the beginning of this article didn't take into consideration the 6 points mentioned above and that's why it won't make any sense in many cases.
Of course similarity leads to attraction but this similarity can be spotted along different domains and not just the physical attractiveness domain. (see also Do likes attract).
In addition, people judge physical attractiveness differently because of the experiences they have been through. As a result a person could think that someone is attractive while another one could find him much less attractive. (see also Why do people perceive physical attractvines differently)
The conclusion is, this study makes no sense at all.
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Want to know more?
does our personality affect our level of attractiveness
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