I know how it feels when you find everything around you collapsing. Your friends, your loved ones, your money, your self confidence and even your dreams.
If someone told you that personal development can prevent you from facing life shocks and downturns then know that he is lying to you. In this life we are living, we all have to go through up times and down times and we all have to pass through difficult times and good times.
While no one can control the future or the unexpected life events still we can all control our response to these undesired events. After all its our response to such events that differentiates between a person who feels good and another one who feels bad and not the number of problems we face.
The first thing you must do is to recall your life purpose or even find one if you don't have.
After all we all have life purposes but some of us may have not discovered it yet. Try to recall the reasons you are living for and the goals you are after.
Recalling those reasons will help you tolerate the bad situation you are in because you will start to perceive the suffering as a low price you should pay for your bigger goals and life purpose you are after.
Patience is not doing nothing but its the act of not allowing your emotions to intensify until things start to improve. During the time you are being patient you should be doing your best to solve your problems. Don't sleep or do nothing then say that you are patient.
Our emotions intensify as result of not controlling them the moment we started to feel bad. If you managed to not let your emotions intensify in the first few moments then you will have more control on them and your problems wont make you feel that bad.
Time is running whether we liked this fact or not or whether we were feeling good as it passes or not. If time is going to pass anyways then why let it pass while you are feeling down or broken? if we are going to live anyways then let us live a better life by refusing to give in to bad moods and unwanted emotions.
While you in the middle of the darkness it becomes very hard to see hope but it may be somewhere near you. Grab a candle and search for hope here or there by being a positive thinker, by knowing that most of your bad emotions are caused by fear of the future and unrealistic worries.
I am sure you have faced hundreds of problems before that seemed to have no solution yet something unexpected happened and the problems were solved. Positive thinking is not about being unrealistic but its about looking for the realistic opportunities that can help you deal with your problems rather than letting fears and unrealistic emotions cloud your vision.
If you can't take it anymore then light a candle and look for hope because it might be so near.
2knowmyself is not a simple article website nor it's a place where you will find shallow fixes, but it's a place where you will find effective techniques that are backed by psychology and that are presented in obvious and understandable format. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.The book How to make someone fall in love with you was released by 2knowmyself.com; the book will dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with you.
Want to know more?
How to discover my life purpose?
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
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