If you have been reading in 2knowmyself for a while then most probably you already know that learning happens through a process that is called negative feedback. During that process a the person first makes a mistake while trying to learn a new skill.
After making that mistake the person tries another method to avoid that mistake and so his skill improves a bit. As the person keeps learning to avoid the common mistakes he develops a perfect skill and becomes an expert.
This happened to you when you first learned how to drive a car, use a computer or even a new smart phone. Most probably when you first used a smart phone you pressed all the wrong buttons before you learned to press the right ones.
Didn't you make any conclusions yet?
If learning works that way then this means that any person who keeps doing a certain activity over and over will become an expert at it. Now the question is, why would someone fail to develop social skills for years even though he was always trying?
Why would someone keep failing all his life long?
Why are there people who seem to never learn from their mistakes?
Why do some people keep doing the same job over and over without becoming experts?
Here is why some people keep repeating the same mistake over and over without learning anything:
Back in 2006 when i first started this site we were making very little money. After 2 years of depending on ads to make money we realized that this was a fatal mistake and so we started to sell products.
Some of the products failed because we made the mistake of not researching the market needs well so we started analyzing people's needs first then we launched new products.
After sometime we realized that we made many mistakes in the design of the website that made its usage more difficult so we worked on fixing these mistakes. Later we discovered that we were making a mistake for years which is marketing the site to the wrong people so we started to market it to the right ones.
After hundreds of mistakes and hundreds of improvements 2knowmyself took off and made me a dot com millionaire. As a result they invited me to Tedx to talk about my success story.
Had i never made those mistakes that site would have never made it
Had i avoided trying all together not to make mistakes i would have never been successful
Had i remained in my comfort zone you would have never heard of me
Success in life is all about making mistakes, changing your strategy, improving your skills until you become perfect at what you do.
I have managed to become a self made millionaire at the age of 28. This didn't happen by chance because i already wrote that goal down five years before i accomplished it. Becoming rich is not about luck, starting big or being intelligent but its all about having certain beliefs about money and life.
In The Ultimate guide to becoming rich i will teach you everything that you need to know in order to become rich.
Want to know more?
is it too late for me to succeed in life?
This is why you should dream big
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
![]() How to make someone fall in love with you. Based on the psychology of falling in love |
![]() How to get over anyone in few days Breakups will never hurt like before. |
![]() How i became a dot com millionaire The ultimate guide to making money from the internet |