Just like any other soft skill assertiveness is a skill that can be learned and it's not something that some people are born with.
Assertiveness is based on the concept of not letting go of your rights by not being overly nice and in the same time not being aggressive.
Assertiveness is sometimes called the art of saying no because some people have developed the bad habit of saying yes all the time even if it goes against their own will. In such a case those people can protect their rights by being assertive without appearing aggressive.
The good news is that assertiveness can be learned by training. Just follow the below guidelines and within few weeks of practice you will turn into an assertive person:
Assertiveness can save your relationship. Many relationships are ruined because some people lack the ability to state their needs and wants assertively.
In my book, The ultimate guide to maintaining a healthy relationship i explained how the lack of assertiveness can lead to frustration. After all if you never talked about the things that bother you then you will become frustrated. This frustration will turn into aggression and you will reach a point where you will tell your partner "I can't take it anymore". Assertiveness can let you avoid all of these problems because it prevents the accumulation of feelings that might lead to frustration.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor it’s a boring online encyclopedia but it’s a place where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is presented in a simple and obvious way. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.The book How to make someone fall in love with you was released by 2knowmyself.com; the book will dramatically increase your chance of letting someone fall in love with you.
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