For the first instance this title might appear contradictory to the teachings on that site and this is why i want to make it clear that learning not to care about anything has nothing to do with giving up on your goals, letting go of your dreams or ignoring your important needs.
The reason i wrote this article is that so many brave people who fight for what they want feel too bad on the way because of the uncountable disappointments they face.
I have said earlier that your mind will always use emotions to guide you to move towards your goals and prevent you from drifting away from them. This is why people get depressed when they believe they can't get something that matters to them and this is why people feel anxious right before a job interview that might determine whether they will get a job or not.
Now the purpose of this article is to help you become less affected by the problems you face so that the journey towards reaching your goals becomes much easier.
Over thinking makes problems appear 10 times bigger than they really are. Only think during the specified times for thinking that you have previously determined.
When you worry often about something you give an indirect signal to your mind to worry more and to assume that its a life or death matter while in fact it might just be a small problem.
Finally don't expect quick results, expect problems and be patient. Success doesn't happen right away and the road to it is anything but straight. Just putting this in mind can help you absorb so many life shocks without caring much.
Do looks really matter? Can an unattractive person attract a very attractive one? Yes its quite possible and this is exactly what Jane's Code is all about. A revolutionary book that explains how love can be manipulated no matter who you are or how you look like.
Want to know more?
How your perception affects your happiness levels
Why does happiness fade away quickly
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
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