Can someone become more creative?
can a person increase his creativity?
All researches has shown that creativity can either be increased or diminished based on the actions you involve yourself in and your life style.
Some people who are originally creative kill their creativity and develop rigid thinking patterns as a result of the wrong life style they live.
In this post i will tell you how to increase your creativity.
This is how to become more creative:
Many people stay stuck with certain life problems without ever being able to get over them because they keep thinking about them using the same methods.
The law of cause and effect states that if you kept doing the same things the same way then you will keep getting the same results.
If you want to really change your life then you must become more creative and try things you never tried before. I always say if you want to have what you never had then you must do what you have never done before.
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Want to know more?
How to become more creative and innovative
How to avoid negative thinking
How to get over anyone in few days (book)
How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
How to end Depression instantly (book)
How to control people's minds (Course)
How to develop rock solid self confidence fast (course)
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