When a person becomes depressed a self reinforcing cycle of bad mood and negative thoughts take place.
A single event could be the starting point of such a negative cycle. For example if a person failed an exam or was rejected he might think that he is a failure.
cognitive behaviour therapy or CBT is based on the concept that thoughts are the main cause for unwanted behaviors. In the previous example the person might stop studying as a result of believing that he is a failure and as a result get more bad grades or face more rejections.
These events can certainly result in depression. In this article i will tell you how to use cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to treat depression.
when using cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to treat depression your goal will be breaking this cycle of thoughts---> feelings ----> behavior.
If you can break this cycle at any point you will stop the self reinforcing effect and your rational thinking will take over thus depression will be prevented.
The following are examples of how cognitive behaviour therapy can be used to break the depression cycle:
Changing the thoughts Using CBT: Changing your thoughts using CBT involves changing all irrational ideas and negative thinking patterns such as over generalization, perfectionism , labeling ...etc. For example, if your friend didn't invite you to his birthday then this event should never make you think that you are worthless. If you failed an exam then this doesn't mean that you are a failure but maybe you just didn't focus on the important parts while studying.
Although the process of changing your thoughts using cognitive behaviour therapy seems like an easy task still it can become a little harder when you find yourself depressed because depression always lets the person see everything negatively.
While its not that easy still it can be done and still it can help in treating depression.
changing your behavior Using cognitive behavioral therapy: If you failed an exam then you managed to pull yourself together and studied once again then as a result you passed the next exam then your depressive thoughts will find no foundations to rest upon.
This will break the cycle of depression and negative thoughts. Here is another case where behaviour can increase depressing thoughts:
people who are depressed because they are lonely usually start to avoid social activates and this reinforces their loneliness even further. Had those people worked on improving their social lives depression would have not visited them.
The main concept that treating depression using cognitive behavioral therapy is based upon is finding any point where you can break the self reinforcing cycle.
If you can stop the negative thoughts that lead to depression you will stop the cycle.
If you can stop the negative beliefs that result in the negative thoughts you will stop the cycle or if you managed to stop the behaviour that can reinforce the negative beliefs then you will stop the cycle.
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More information on cognitive behavioral therapy
The relationship between introversion and depression
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