If you are a regular visitor of 2knowmyself, you've most probably noticed that I rarely use the word "Ultimate". When I call a guide the ultimate guide to something, it usually means that you won't find another guide on the entire internet that is close to or even comparable to it.
What you are reading right now is called the ultimate guide to managing relationships. What I mean by the word 'managing' is taking the relationship from ground zero (the point where you start to like him/her) to the point of 'Declaration' (where you tell him/her that you like him/her).
This guide will give you the risk-free strategies and the tools that you should use in order to successfully win another person’s love in the shortest possible time. This is not a guide to flirting or playing around, it’s a guide to starting successful relationships for serious people. So if you are not serious about this relationship, or if you intend to fool someone after reading it, then this article was not written for you. This article does not only represent my thoughts about the subject, it’s also based on deep psychological concepts and solid, proven facts.
It all starts when you like someone. At this point you usually find yourself having lots of options and lacking lots of information. Some of the options you have are things like 'declaring your love', 'waiting for some signs to appear', 'ignoring the person', 'trying to make him jealous'...etc
Some examples of the information you will be missing are things like 'not being sure of his emotions', 'not knowing if he is in love with someone else' and 'not knowing whether or not he is interested in you in the first place'.
If you told him that you love him, he may shock you by saying, "You are so nice, but let us just be friends" and if you don't tell him, you may lose him. Pretty complicated right?
No, it’s never complicated. You are going to do both things: you are going to tell him that you care about him and at the same time you are not going to tell him!!
The state I am talking about is the state of confusion where the other person feels that you trying to get closer him and at the same time doesn’t find enough evidence to prove that you love him. Before I start talking about how you are going to achieve this, let me just tell you about the benefits of putting him in a state of confusion.
Great, now let’s talk about the induction of the state of confusion. Suppose that one morning, one of the new guys you have met called you and kept talking about random subjects then at the end of the call he asked you about the time of tomorrow’s lecture.
Can you say that he has a crush on you? I'm not talking about logic, I am talking about your subconscious mind. You still don’t have solid proof and so your subconscious mind will never be able calm down nor will it be able to be 100% sure of that person's emotions. Driving someone to the state of confusion does not require anything more than having silly reasons for everything that you do with him.
After all, no one can be 100% sure that this call was for love and not for the lecture, because even though he talked about a lot of things during the call, he still asked about the lecture at the end!
This is exactly how it feels like to be in the state of confusion. :)
As soon as you have a crush on someone, you should start to make him confused about your emotions. If you find a good response from his side, you should then increase the positive signs that you are sending, while if you find no response, you don't have to worry because you are still covered. ;)
Another very important use for the state of confusion is providing you with enough time to completely embed yourself into his subconscious mind. In the How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You article, I talked about the power of repetition and how repetition of a certain belief can result in making it installed into the subconscious mind. The good news is the same goes for people.
If you kept appearing in that person’s life, he could fall in love with you!! But why do people sometimes reject us even though we do appear in their lives? It's simply because we don’t put them in the state of confusion. Instead, we just declare our love and then wait for their response. Since we aren’t in their subconscious minds yet, our chance of being rejected becomes much higher than it was going to be.
Have you ever seen a person and hated him, then after wards became good friends? What happened? The guy appeared so frequently in your life until he got into your subconscious mind and so you accepted him.
Back to the state of confusion; you can keep him in this state then do all of your subconscious mind programming while being covered by this uncertainty. If you find a positive response, you can just blow your cover and declare love while being almost sure of acceptance. ;)
If you still don’t know how you can program someone else to love you, please check out this article.
What if you were not sure of his emotions? I mean, what if you found yourself in the state of confusion? In this case, you need to get a positive sign from him in order to further support your decisions. The article How to Know if Someone Is in Love with You is one of the other Ultimate guides I have written. It will help you in knowing whether someone loves you or not just by watching for simple body language gestures as well as other forms of behaviour.
So what about the mouse trap? If the person likes you, he will usually be very nice to you one day, then ignore you the next. Why is that? Simply because he starts to give positive signs because he likes you but finds no similar response from you. When he feels that he has revealed too much, he may start to cover himself by ignoring you.
On the other hand, if he finds that he's hidden his feelings too much, he will start to send positive signs again and this is exactly where the "Mouse Trap" comes into play. You are going to convince him that he is covered and so he will have the guts to give more signs because he will be thinking that you know nothing about his feelings.
Suppose that he was trying to cover himself by appearing to like another girl. At this point, you should go to him directly and tell him with a smile "I know you hate me, right? I think you are treating everyone well expect me". You may think that saying something like that may blow your cover, but don’t forget that the smile on your face is another part of your strategy of confusion. Are you telling the truth, or are you just kidding?? No one knows except you, and this will leave him totally confused. ;) At this point, he will feel that he overdid trying to cover up his emotions towards you and will start revealing many more positive signs.
When you feel that you have seen enough signs from him, blow your own cover and declare your love.
What if you went to that person and told him that you love someone else? There are two possibilities in this case; the first will be feeling down and sad because he loves you, the second would be feeling nothing because he doesn’t love you.
Now we need to deliver this message to him, then watch for any mood changes using the body language's back trick. First of all, you aren’t going to tell him directly that you love someone else. Instead, you will just flirt with another guy in front of him all day. If he feels bad, then he will never sit with his back straight or with his shoulders upright. If he isn't affected, his body language won't change.
If you find that his back became curved and that he slid down more in his chair, then you could make sure of his feelings by saying something like “I really like that guy I was hanging out with earlier. I consider him almost like a brother to me."
If his back becomes straight again then he loves you for sure ;). If you are still not convinced that you can easily determine someone’s mood from his gestures then just check out the body language section.
The best way to do something like that is to get a friend of yours to talk to him about you while you yourself aren't present. This friend of yours should watch for any changes in his body language when he/she delivers messages such as "she is in love with someone else".
Constantly trying to impress him and telling him how great you are might have the exact opposite effect, but at the same time, you definitely need to show off all of your points of strength many times so as to conquer his mind. How can you do this? You can do this simply by asking a trusted friend to do it for you. If your friend told him that you are a great person, and if he notices that you really are great, he will automatically put you in his subconscious mind and this all happens because your subconscious mind gets programmed by repetition.
Now we've covered the first part, which is getting a friend to talk about you in front of him. But how are you going to show off without appearing to be showing off? All you have to do is to show off indirectly using The Network of Thoughts Technique. This basically involves talking about a topic that you know will lead to another topic from which you can open a third topic. For example, talking about being tired today can make you open the subject of the dangerous sport you played in the morning which can then help you to show off your courage without even talking about it. In this case, he will never consider you showing off because the sequence of the talk will never make him think that this was already planned beforehand. Instead, he'll see it as the normal progression of conversation. See the following scenario for more explanation:
She: Hey, how are you today?
You: Fine, but I'm really tired.
She: Why?
You: My back is killing me. Although I'm used to mountain climbing, today it was a little difficult because it was really windy. (Poor you ;) )
She: Do you really climb mountains?
You: Yes, but not that often. It all began when I saw it on TV. I figured those people doing it probably have got no more courage than I do, so I decided to give it a try myself.
Well, you have just said that you are an athlete, an adventure lover and a courageous person without even saying it directly. After all, she was the one asking the questions ;).
Got questions? I have created a forum topic especially for discussing this article. You can access it here.
2knowmyself is not just a simple article website nor is it a place where you will find logical and intuitive tricks. It’s a place where you will find information that you won’t see anywhere else on the web. If you dare to challenge this statement then read more about 2knowmyself’s challenge.
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