One of the famous untrue beliefs about personality development is that the personality is 100 percent dependent on genes. Although genes do have a role in developing personalities still the environmental factors that we get subjected to are the number one reason that shape our personalities.
Believing that you can't be better because you don’t have the right genes or feeling that you cannot improve your behaviour because your genetics will limit you is completely wrong way of thinking. By learning how to interact correctly with the external influences you come across you will be able to shape your personality the way you want.
Some people go beyond this and think that they lack of self confidence because they don’t have the self confidence genes or think that they feel inferior because of the lack of a certain gene. The good news is that All of these beliefs are myths that those people acquired someway.
In the Solid Self confidence program i explained how the life experiences you go through can be the primary reason behind lack of confidence and inferiority!!!
No one was born inferior and no one was born without self confidence. Genetics has nothing to do with this. It’s just the situations you faced that resulted in making you feel so right now. That’s why a problem like inferiority is called a disorder. The normal state should be feeling confident and not the other way around!!!
If you read a lot about psychology then i am sure you came across the term genetic tendency before. While many people have a genetic tendency to develop a certain disorder still they will never develop it if they managed to cope well with life problems.
For example many people have the tendency to become depressed when they face prolonged stress however if any of them learned how to handle stress properly he will never end up depressed even if he has genetic tendencies. (see Understanding depression psychology)
Don’t fall a prey to these myths and don’t constrain your personal growth by a limiting belief. With disregard to your current personality traits you can always improve yourself and become a happy person.
The only thing you need to do is to take the decision to change then to do your best to convert this decision from uttered words to a plan that you eagerly follow, only then you will see the results yourself.
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want to know more?
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How to make anyone fall in love with me fast (book)
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