As of august 2010 I became a Dot com millionaire at a young age and that's why i believe that i have something to tell you about the right way to collect money.
People always debate whether its possible to get rich fast or whether the get rich slow method is the one that works.
Some people claim that you can get rich fast while others say that the get rich quick mentality will only result in despair. However the secrets rich people tell us shows that getting rich quickly may be possible under certain conditions and while understanding that the word quick describes a period between 3 to 5 years.
The real secret to become rich quick is to understand how rich people think simply because even if a rich person lost his money he will manage to collect them again just like Henry ford who lost his money 6 times. A rich person is not rich because of his money but its because of his mindset that always helps him bring the money back even after losing it.
An interesting study once showed that if we distributed all the money in the world equally among people then after few years those who used to be rich will became richer and those who used to be poor will became poorer.
If this can tell us anything about money it would be that Making money & becoming rich is a state of mind and a way of thinking. That’s why some millionaires manage to collect their money again even after they lose all of it.
The real secret to become rich fast is to understand this fact well then to start reading about the success stories of rich people so that you understand how they think.
After you understood the previous fact the next step would be analyzing the stories of rich people and coming up with conclusions that would help you know how they used to think.
Once you acquire the thinking patterns rich people used to collect their money you can consider yourself carrying the secret to getting rich quick. The good news is that i did all of this effort for you by summarizing the way rich people think into points in my articles. Keep reading to know them.
So how do rich people think?
I have managed to become a self made millionaire at the age of 28. This didn't happen by chance because i already wrote that goal down five years before i accomplished it. Becoming rich is not about luck, starting big or being intelligent but its all about having certain beliefs about money and life.
In The Ultimate guide to becoming rich i will teach you everything that you need to know in order to become rich.
Want to know more?
Getting rich through the Internet
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![]() How i became a dot com millionaire The ultimate guide to making money from the internet |